To advocate means to push hard for something, to add a crucial voice, to believe in a bold vision and convince everyone else of its worth.

We work with businesses and brands bristling with potential. We raise them up, tell their story, secure their platform, give them the tools they need to thrive amidst the challenges of a connected world.

Because no matter your station, you always need someone to vouch for you, fight for you, take your story to the world, be the voice that cuts through the noise.

We are Advocates Studio.
Brands stand on our shoulders.


Strategy & Storytelling

We work closely with you to draw out the heart of your brand’s story, to articulate your view and role in the world, to find out what makes you unique and that translates into the effect you have on the market.

Workshops / Consultation / Research / Strategy / Storytelling

Branding & Realisation

We create a comprehensive brand world based wholeheartedly on your brand story. Giving you the language, visuals, guidelines and toolkit you’ll need to take your story to the world.

Branding / Language / Design / Guidelines / Toolkit

Launch & Maintenance

We’re a full-service agency, taking your brand right through from conception to launch and beyond. As soon as your story hits the market with real impact, consistency is key to ongoing success.

Launch / Maintenance / Goals / Analytics

Get in touch to find out how we can bring out the potential in your brand.